Being a woman is incredible

Women’s hormones show us a lot about our health & our environment. Finally more research is being done so women can thrive! This hasn’t always been the case. Women’s physiology has been left out of research. Therefore the conditions that women impact women have largely been misunderstood. Whether it’s your cycle, fertility, energy or stage of life that is shifting, natural solutions can restore balance.

New Insights into HRT

by Amber Wood | September 6, 2024

The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) has long been a cornerstone of women’s health research, especially regarding hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for perimenopausal and menopausal women. However, recent scrutiny has led to questions about the reliability…


Psychedelics for Women’s Health

by Amber Wood | March 8, 2024

Preliminary findings on the use of psychedelics for women’s health are encouraging. From libido, body image and disordered eating to regulating the menstrual cycle, psychedelic assisted therapy is helping women find relief and warrants more…


Protein & Hormones for Healthy Weight

by Amber Wood | March 18, 2022

Patients ask how to gain or lose weight regularly.  It helps to look at the role of hormones.  Timing meals plays major role as does protein intake.  These along with mind-set are the four most…


Testosterone too low? Hormones and Histamine

by Amber Wood | November 3, 2021

Low testosterone (T) can show up in lab work regardless of sex and age.  Symptoms include low energy, low libido, loss of muscle mass, mood changes and brain fog.  This hormone plays an important role…


What causes Heavy Cycles?

by Amber Wood | March 17, 2021

As women’s hormones shift, so do our cycles.  The length can change to a shorter or longer cycle.  Many women report a heavier or lighter flow.  Let’s define what a heavy cycle looks like.  A…


What’s up with Hot Flashes?

by Amber Wood | January 5, 2021

Hot flashes and night sweats are fairly common, especially as women go through perimenopause and menopause.  These vasomotor symptoms cause changes in skin temperature or colour.   The amount of blood passing through a particular body…


Histamine Intolerance & Your Hormones

by Amber Wood | September 3, 2020

Heard of Histamine Intolerance? It is a temporary immune response where too much histamine causes allergies and symptoms like swelling. Histamine itself is not bad. In fact it regulates stomach acid, brain function and helps…


Weight Lifting Liberation

by Amber Wood | June 3, 2020

Weight lifting Takes Commitment Some of us have a choice to do it. Others have been holding up very heavy weights that hurt them since before they were born. If we can do our own…


Losing Your Hair Over This? Causes of Hair Loss

by Amber Wood | April 27, 2020

The follicles in our scalp have their own stress response. In times of high stress they go into a resting phase. No new hair grows and shedding occurs. If you are noticing excess hair loss…


Perimenopause: Not for the Weak

by Amber Wood | February 24, 2020

Perimenopause is a reverse puberty that occurs as women approach menopause in our forties and fifties.  Changes occur for every gender and we need to be kind to one another.  The definition of menopause is…


Resilient Through Menopause

by Amber Wood | February 9, 2020

Feeling graceful and happy through menopause is possible!  Lifestyle factors are key players and it’s never too early to start.  Maintaining a healthy amount of muscle is a very smart thing to do.  Eighty percent…


PMS and the Pill

by Amber Wood | February 8, 2020

Women can experience a wide range of symptoms during the phase when hormones are high.  PMS describes this time at the end of each monthly cycle before menstruation.  The Pill is offered to women for…


Hormonal IUD’s: The Pros and Cons

by Amber Wood | January 18, 2020

Hormonal IUD’s are offered to women with heavy or painful cycles.  This hormonal type of IUD reduces menstrual flow and can reduce pain.  It is a lower dose of hormone but don’t be fooled because…


Ovulation is a Super Power

by Amber Wood | December 28, 2019

Why Ovulate? Ovulation produces hormones that have many health benefits for women.  The surge of estrogen in the first part of our cycle and the even bigger surge of progesterone two weeks after ovulation are…


Is Endometriosis Caused by Infections?

by Amber Wood | December 23, 2019

Immunity is the Root Endometriosis is not yet widely understood as an immune disease.  Treatment focuses on hormonal therapies instead of looking at the underlying bacterial and inflammatory factors. Bacterial and fungal infections from the…


Phytoestrogens to Balance Hormones

by Amber Wood | December 10, 2019

Phytoestrogens are foods that interact with the estrogen receptors in our body. Isoflavones and lignans are two types found in specific seeds, plants and legumes. Although they won’t raise estrogen levels they do support hormone…


Progesterone & GABA for Anxiety

by Amber Wood | November 6, 2019

Progesterone: the Peaceful Hormone Progesterone restores a sense of calm.  For those balancing the responsibilities of home, work and family, progesterone helps you keep your cool.  It acts on the gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) receptors in the…


Dopamine for Thyroid & Cortisol Response

by Amber Wood | November 4, 2019

Dopamine is Like Caffeine Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released from the pituitary gland.  It acts like a hormone giving you a feeling of confidence, excitement, motivation and energy.  When it is released you…


Estrogen Isn’t the Enemy! Weight & Appetite

by Amber Wood | September 6, 2019

Estrogen Says ‘Eat Me!’ Every tissue in the body adores and wants some estrogen.  Estrogen protects us from disease.  It nourishes our brain and keeps our bones strong.  And damn girl, estrogen is what makes…


What you need to know about Estrogen Detoxification

by Amber Wood | July 12, 2019

Symptoms like breast tenderness, heavy or clotted cycles and fibroids are linked with excess estrogen in the body.  In men, this can look like weight gain, erectile dysfunction, breast development or moodiness. So where does…


Period Problems? 5 Steps that Help

by Amber Wood | July 4, 2019

Below are 4 of the most common period problems along with the 5 steps that can help.  First, let me explain what I hear women talk about often when it comes to their cycle. 1….

Amber Wood Health

Low Libido? Find Out Why!

by Amber Wood | April 18, 2019

Getting your bounce back is possible. Low libido has many causes ranging from low testosterone or iron to body image dysmorphia, chronic stress, and hormone imbalance. The DUTCH Hormone Panel Functional lab testing is thorough…


Shedding New Light on Endometriosis

by Amber Wood | March 30, 2019

What Is Endometriosis? Endometriosis happens when the endometrial tissue is found growing outside of the uterus.  This tissue is shed each month during menstruation if it’s where it normally should be.  When it spreads to…


How to Fix Your Migraines

by Amber Wood | February 16, 2019

Migraines are common and disabling to people.  They make up 5% of hospitalizations, and 20% of neurology consultations. Women experience them twice as much as men.  Those with chronic migraines can end up relying on…


What I Recommend for Birth Control & Fertility

by Amber Wood | January 25, 2019

Why I Have Never Used the Pill The most popular form of birth control in the industrialized world is the pill. Ninety-nine per cent of women have used this synthetic hormonal contraceptive at one time. Despite…


Women are Saying No to the Pill

by Amber Wood | November 26, 2018

In the last decade, oral contraceptive usage has dropped.  This suggests a collective desire to regain control of our bodies and health.  Many women report headaches, weight gain, mood issues and a host of other…


A Contraception Device Gone Wrong…Again

by Amber Wood | October 12, 2018

Don’t Let Bayer Into My Body Permanent sterilization by a procedure called Essure was approved by Health Canada in 2001. It was sold in the US until just a few months ago when it was…


Feeling Dismissed When it Comes to Your Hormones?

by Amber Wood | October 8, 2018

When it comes to their hormone health, visiting a doctor is the last thing many women want to do.  Why is this?  Writer Maya Dusenbery explains why in her new book called “Doing Harm”.  I came…


Fix PMS Yourself

by Amber Wood | October 1, 2018

PMS affects at least 75% of women. That’s right, the majority of women are feeling it.  Of these some suffer more than others.  Twenty percent of women with PMS require regular interventions with medication.  Eight…

Vitamin D

Surprise! Vitamin D & Hormones

by Amber Wood | September 21, 2018

As we head into the darker months many people begin to supplement with vitamin D.  In many cases this is a good step in maintaining mood, immune and bone health.  In fact many people don’t…

Birth Control is not always the answer

Why Birth Control isn’t the Answer

by Amber Wood | June 6, 2018

Birth control or oral contraceptive pills are given out for everything.  If you have unexplained heavy cycles, skin issues or experience PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) your doctor will likely prescribe birth control.  Why is this a…


Success with PCOS

by Amber Wood | May 31, 2018

Over this past year I’ve been working with PCOS patients.  Nearly always there is an underlying blood sugar dysregulation, gut issue, inflammation and hormone imbalance.  Thyroid can be implicated as well especially if autoimmunity is…


12 Tips for Radiant Skin

by Amber Wood | May 15, 2018

Skin issues like acne, exzema, psoriasis, keratosis polaris, and rosacea are common. In fact, 40% of adults have keratosis polaris characterized by rough, dry skin. How can conventional medicine discount diet in the treatment of…

Amber Wood Health

Why Belly Fat?

by Amber Wood | April 19, 2018

Why Belly Fat? This is a question I often get from patients.  It’s an imbalance of hormones beginning with our stress hormones and involving insulin.  When we get stressed we either overeat or under-eat and…


Fatigue? Anxiety? Insomnia? Could be Iron Deficiency

by Amber Wood | March 3, 2018

  I see a patients every week with iron deficiency who don’t know it.  Standard blood work isn’t enough.  In this article I’ll explain why.  There are several markers that help us understand why iron…


New Research on Fertility

by Amber Wood | January 26, 2018

Both women and men want to optimize health prior to conception.  Addressing underlying health concerns at this time is ideal.  Pregnancy, birth and caring for an infant is a time of joy.  It also requires…

Hormone Balance

4 Steps to Hormone Balance

by Amber Wood | January 16, 2018

I often hear from female patients that they have been prescribed oral contraceptives without hormone testing.  Perimenopause, low libido and even depression or skin issues can be rooted in an imbalance.  Why not test to…


Understand Your Hormones to Feel Great Again

by Amber Wood | August 23, 2017

Get to Know Your Body Fatigue, depression, and irritability can caused by a hormone imbalance. Getting to know the key players can help. Hormones rule our brain, bone and heart health.  I’ll explain a little…


Blood Sugar Regulation for PCOS

by Amber Wood | July 27, 2017

What is PCOS? Polycystic ovarian syndrome affects 10% of North American women in their child-bearing years. It’s the leading cause of infertility and is on the rise. Syndromes are a group of symptoms that conventional…


What You Need to Know about Heavy Cycles

by Amber Wood | July 12, 2017

Hormones 101 First things first: Birth control is NOT the only solution for heavy cycles! In fact, when it comes right down to it, birth control is more of a band-aid than a solution. Are…


6 Ways to Live Cleaner & Reduce Chemicals

by Amber Wood | May 17, 2017

Reduce Your Chemical Exposure  I hear the word genetics used to describe conditions that we can’t control.  It’s true that there’s is a lot we have no control of.  When it comes to genetics we…


the Root of Postpartum Depression

by Amber Wood | February 22, 2017

Anemia & Insomnia Sleep in pregnancy is important. It’s often the last uninterrupted sleep for months or even years. In counselling psychology, the cause of most postpartum depression is understood as a combination of insomnia…

insomnia and motherhood

Sleep is Essential. Especially for Parents of Small Children.

by Amber Wood | February 2, 2017

Mothers who experience insomnia are among those who suffer most. Years of interrupted sleep combined with the new lifestyle requires a certain kind of strength. Luckily our evolutionary wisdom gave mom’s super powers in the…


Nutrients to Nourish Dry Skin

by Amber Wood | June 28, 2016

Vitamin A & D Skin issues like acne, eczema, psoriasis, keratosis polaris and rosacea are common. In fact, 40% of adults in the developed world have keratosis polaris.  Dry skin is a common complaint in…


Regular Carbohydrate for Hormone Health?

by Amber Wood | June 5, 2016

When you skip a meal or eat inconsistently in other ways your body has to compensate. Several hormones are involved including insulin, cortisol and thyroid.  Cortisol has an important anti-inflammatory function. Insulin is involved and…


Replacement Model for Hormones

by Amber Wood | March 26, 2016

Activities that include social time and play are ideal. Any kind of movement helps manage stress and hormone balance.  Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) affects 90% of women at some point.  In 25% of these cases clinical…


When is Intermittent Fasting Good?

by Amber Wood | February 20, 2016

Blood sugar & the HPA Axis Intermittent fasting is normal part of our genetic and evolutionary history. Times of feast and famine are a part of many if not all cultures. It’s a hormetic stressor,…


Hormones 101

by Amber Wood | January 24, 2016

Pregnenalone Our endocrine system has several glands, enzymes, hormones that work together in a complex system of negative feedback loops. Pregnenolone is the precursor to many of our hormone pathways.  It requires cholesterol and an…

Gut Health

Four Steps to a Long and Pleasurable Life

by Amber Wood | November 9, 2015

When the Body Speaks The body generally tells us what we need to know. Often this occurs more readily when we are injured or sick. These interruptions to our daily life force us to tune…