Meditation changes you like nothing else. The list of health benefits are long. The medical research is vast & compelling. It is how we reconnect. Anxiety, worry & distraction dissipate. This is why I’ve dedicated 15 years to practice. All it takes is 5 minutes a day to start. You’ll see results. Turn your overwhelm into calm & focus. Bad stress transforms into good stress. Happiness is real & possible.
Our Appetite for Life Desire, put in another way, is curiousity or pleasure. The need for relief, excitement and connection is what motivates us. We have learned to fear these natural impulses as a result…
Read more...Early Exposure and Resiliency Any early exposure to a sense of wonder or something greater than ourselves, can profoundly shape the developmental trajectory of a person. This exposure can lead to a connection and inner…
Read more...In the last few years so much has shifted. Even as we get used to a new normal, it changes. How do we rest or find a sense of belonging amid such uncertainty? Accepting…
Read more...Our Innate Capacity In a time of deep division there is a need for remembering what hope actually is. The collective trauma and suffering of this pandemic is bringing a lot to the surface. The…
Read more...The Point of Meditation Our nervous system affects those around us. In times when there are many unknowns we need to gather ourselves and settle. A meditation practice allows us to do this. Accepting what…
Read more...The meditation community I was part of collapsed last year. The point of training in meditation is so our response to life is the best we have to give. This doesn’t always happen but we…
Read more...In ten years of clinical practice, grief is the emotion that shows up the most. Grief workshops are showing up in our communities more in the last couple of years. People need places to grieve…
Read more...Sleep Tracking Many of my patients have undergone sleep studies with little result. It is difficult to sleep normally in a strange place with your body plugged into machines. Sleep tracking at home…
Read more...Girls and women experience objectification from a young age. Sexualized trauma happens overtly and on subtle levels. Between the age of 7 and 11 girls begin to hold their bodies differently. In clinic, my female…
Read more...Oxytocin Calms & Connects Connection is a fundamental aspect of health but unfortunately it is given very little focus. We can experience deeper connections with others when we have space to calm and connect ourselves. …
Read more...Today I had a new patient who has survived breast cancer. She mentioned that her high stress job and poor diet may have contributed to her becoming sick. Many of my patients are aware that…
Read more...Light Disrupts Sleep Research shows that young children are adversely affected by indoor lighting at night. Just one hour of bright light exposure before bedtime suppressed the children’s melatonin by 88 percent. This study isn’t…
Read more...Addiction to Technology is a Real Problem 40% of North Americans suffer from addiction to technology whether its email, porn or games. By the age of 7 a child will have spent 1 whole year…
Read more...Recently I facilitated a short ceremony. It turned out to be the most powerful few hours I’ve spent with others in a long time. By turning towards the shock & grief a sudden death brings,…
Read more...Yes it can. I’ll explain how. To begin with, its won’t get easier because what you think you want happens. Its not about getting a raise, a new partner or losing that extra weight. Life…
Read more...It’s Not Your Fault I am lucky to have a few mentors in my life. Today I was sitting with one discussing a topic I’ve considered for awhile. This wisdom that comes from those who…
Read more...This phrase “soft heart, strong back” reminds me of how I aspire to be. Its a vison of communicating needs effectively without given into the social norms of doing more when its time to slow…
Read more...Digital Distraction Limiting digital distraction was monumentally easier even just 5 years ago. Ten years ago some of us still didn’t have smart phones. Choosing to be free of the endless digital world used to…
Read more...Every week a couple of my patients say or do something that strikes me. “Thank you for being kind,” were the words of one woman. I wasn’t being particularly kind in my mind. What…
Read more...The Nervous System of A Parent Seven years ago I sat down with my meditation instructor. I was preparing for my next long retreat where I would make a deeper commitment to working with myself. …
Read more...Self-care and stress management can feel like just one more item to add to our to-do list. How can we talk about meditation without making it one more thing that stresses us out? What I…
Read more...What is Mindfulness really? What strikes me as I emerge from another week of meditation retreat is the fundamental shift I witnessed in both myself and the others who committed to the journey. This transformation…
Read more...Mothers who experience insomnia are among those who suffer most. Years of interrupted sleep combined with the new lifestyle requires a certain kind of strength. Luckily our evolutionary wisdom gave mom’s super powers in the…
Read more...Having just returned from a two-week meditation practice retreat, I feel the effects of slowing down. “Why would you do that?” asked a friend at our weekly meditation practice group. Its a great question. This…